Friday, December 22, 2006

More big changes comming down the pipe....
I've got kinda mixed feeling about them though, I can see what they are after, but I think they are going about it compleately wrong..... Well, on a high note, at least I wont have to keep up this stupid blog.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

So the last couple of weeks I've been waxing chair seats with my ass around the Neuro-office. Ever notice how there arn't that many women floating around the neuro-world? Disappointing for a man of action like myself..... Not many seem to have the staying power for it I guess. I know, you could throw some names at me and say well, so-and-so has been around forever, but for the most part (from where I'm sitting) they sign up. Then do a couple asignments and are never heard from again. Littering the neuro-blogscape with yet another incompleat story.....
But, must keep in mind that the bulk of the N.I. Operatives don't blog. Which I can understand. The only reason *I'M* doing this is because I was told too (Frankly, between you and me, I hate the things. I think that for the most part they are designed specificly to inspire drama in those who are missing it in real life.).

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Merry Yuletide Greetings!

Big things happening around the Neuro-water cooler!
A little birdy tells me someone is threatening to resign with a big project hanging in the air unfinished, if they don't get their way.

I also hear that security needs to be tightend up in R&D....

Beltain - Neuromaster - snicker, I prefer N.O. but thanks for the link..... from the lack of comments I'm thinking most people dont take me seriously.....screw'em.